Learn the Rules, Break The Rules, and Create the New Ones...

Hi... My name is Rizky Prihanto. You can call me RQ, or Rizky either. I am currently living on Bandung, Indonesia. Had a lot of works and research about Enterprise Information Systems (majoring on education and e-governments). I have bunch of interests (some friends call it 'freakz') about MySQL Opensource Database and now I am one of the administrator of MySQL Indonesia User Group - the opensource community initialized by Sun Microsystems Indonesia.

My Company PT Cinox Media Insani, Bandung, Indonesia. I work here since 2008 and I take responsibility as Chief of Software Architect. My job is about planning, imaginating, fantasy-ing, concepting, and build the infrastructure of the new information systems (or app engines) which going to be implemented.

This blog This is my blog that represent my current opinion, research and experiences about anything in Software Engineering. Written since 2007 (actually) and has been vaccum for a lot of while. And now I wanna ressurrect this blog (optimistically) from the long-long-hibernation with something fresh and new ideas -- still about MySQL, software engineering, development, and may be something managerial here.

About the tagline I've learned the statement above from some paper written by Kent Beck about Extreme Programming (XP) methodology -- some sort of practical software development methods which have no boundaries. That's very inspiring me a lot. I have written some article on this blog that tell my interpretation about that statement here.

My Another Blogs I have classifying my blogs into some sort of genre. The blog that you read here right now is my primary blog that tell you (majoring) about IT stuff. But if you wanna look another side of me, you can visit here, here, here,or here. Hope it'll be interesting for some of you.

Credits I would thanks to Blogger for this great blog platform. Skinpress who designed this Wordpress template (which is bloggerized by Free Blogger Templates). My appreciate is also going to you who give your generously time for visiting my blog.

Kenapa Memilih MySQL

Ada sebuah pertanyaan yang mampir di milis tongkrongan gw (indoprog-vb@yahoogroups.com), seperti ini potongan pertanyaannya :

--- Arif Purnomo Aji (p*** [at] y*** [dot] com)


> salam hangat buat semua....
> Saya seorang pemula yang ingin belajar vb,,
> Saat ini setahu saya ada banyak database yang bisa
> didampingkan dengan vb
> Kira-kira faktor apa saja yang harus kita perhatikan
> dalam memilih database..
> adakah perbedaan yang significan antara database
> yang satu dgn yang lain, misalnya dalam kecepatan
> pengolahan data.... atau mungkin ada salah satu
> database yang paling cocok buat disandingkan dgn
> vb6.....
> Mohon pencerahan dari rekan-rekan semua...
> thank's
> Aji

Klo menurut gw, di ERA generasi gw, database yang cocok itu adalah MySQL.
soalnya, MySQL saat ini *sedang berkembang* pelan tapi pasti utk jadi DBMS yang powerful.
Gw dulu pernah 'maksain' belajar Oracle, kagok duluan gw. konsep DBMS lom kenal, udah disodorin macam kya cursor, row-locking, XA transaction -- nyerah gw!

dan, tepat di bulan desember tahun 2004 lalu, gw jatuh hati ama pacar gw yg sekarang - MySQL 5.0.1 alpha. Setengah tahun sebelumnya gw makae MySQL 4.0 n gw NGGA ADA FEELING berlebih ama tu DBMS bermaskotkan ikan lumba2. Di masa gw waktu itu, MySQL udah terlalu cukup lah utk nyediain fitur standar 'penyimpanan data' -- n sejak MySQL 5.0.1-alpha muncul, gw sedikit kepincut ama istilah stored procedure yg diusung2nya (emang sih gw pernah denger tu istilah di praktikum DBMS di kampus makae MSSQL2000 -- tp biasa laah, namanya jg mahasiswa yg sulit diatur, ilmu2 MSSQL2000 gw gag ada yg nyangkut satupun di kuping)

Gw mulai perhatiin geliatnya MySQL 5.0.1 -- baca2 banyak whitepaper di situsnya. Sampe kenalan pula ama Per-Erik Martin (tentunya via forum) yg ternyata dia lead-coder nya fitur Stored Procedure nya MySQL. Gw cukup terbius ama pesona gadis muda yang masih alpha yg beberapa bulan kemudian gw tau ternyata maskot dia namanya SHAKILA. Sambil belajar, gw lambat laun ngerti apa sih itu SP, apa itu Trigger, gmn memanfaatin View, apa rahasia dibalik information_schema -- dan banyak bangedd konsep2 praktis yg gw tau selama gw intensif ngapelin kos-kosannya Shakila di dev.mysql.com --

... satu hal yg gag gw dapet waktu gw PeDeKaTe ama Oracle n MSSQL : nie DBMS (MySQL) perawan bangedd. rupawan pula. n dia CARE pula ama semua fans-fans nya, tetep rendah hati, selalu berbaur sama komunitasnya... Dan dia *setia* bangedd nemenin gw belajar, sementara dia sendiri semakin hari semakin mantaphhh dandanannya, semakin cantik isinya, n semakin besar anunya ^_^ (kualitas, maksutnya)

Bagi gw, di era gw (baru turun coding sejak tahun 2003-2004), DBMS yang paling cocok bwt gw adalah MySQL. Skrg dia punya adik yg ngga kalah manisnya, Maria (MySQL 5.1) -- dan perangkat2 tempur tu DBMS makin lama makin nggilaniey, macam MySQL Cluster, MySQL Proxy -- menurut gw, dia bener2 NUNGGU gw bwt ngerti-in dalemannya, n ketika gw ngerasa udah cukup ngerti -- dia tambah lagi fitur2 dia..

Demikianlah pengalaman SUBYEKTIF gw dengan MySQL ... Shakila dan Maria ...

Mengenai kesangsian yang muncul dari banyak pihak yang ragu-ragu sama kejelasan MySQL itu sekarang free atau berbayar, menurut gw sih, jangan telan berita sepenggal-sepenggal. Powernya MySQL jg bukan cuman di faktor "gratis"-nya seperti beberapa produk open-source macam GIMP n DIA yang hanya lebih di faktor 'harga' ketimbang Photoshop atau Visio. Coba masuk ke website nya MySQL : http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/ ~  di situ ada tulisan gini :

For users or organizations looking to maintain their own solutions.
  1. I have my own method of keeping my systems up to date and am comfortable upgrading and configuring MySQL.
  2. I have time to monitor and adjust the MySQL settings that will tune, scale and maintain performance.
  3. I have experience with database security so that I know when a security breach has occurred.
  4. I have experience designing, setting-up and monitoring the status of MySQL replication.
  5. I have time to identify and resolve technical issues for myself and others.
  6. I have time to design and tune application code, database schemas and dynamic queries for optimal performance.
Take me to the community downloads!

MySQL Enterprise (a.k.a. berbayar) -- itu yg sebenarnya dijual itu berupa "support" n "services". Mengutip pernyataan mereka ndiri : At the end of 2006, MySQL launched MySQL Enterprise, an offering with a robust set of services that improved the reliability, security and performance of MySQL servers. Utk lebih jelasnya, bisa maen-maen ke sini : http://www.mysql.com/products/which-edition.html

MySQL Community Edition -- absolutely free utk di-instal
sendiri di server mana aja. If you have time and experiences...

NB : Gw bukan aktivis MySQL yang digaji ama MySQL. Gw cuman seorang fans... 


idiluam mengatakan...

Mysql, MsSql atau Oracle tetap bisa kita gunakan, tergantung dari permintaan klien kita atau kebutuhan, jika kita bisa implemetasikan di ketiga db tsb akan "terlihat" aplikasi kita lebih power full.

Jika anda senang 'ngoprek' db, mysql tempatnya.


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