Learn the Rules, Break The Rules, and Create the New Ones...

Hi... My name is Rizky Prihanto. You can call me RQ, or Rizky either. I am currently living on Bandung, Indonesia. Had a lot of works and research about Enterprise Information Systems (majoring on education and e-governments). I have bunch of interests (some friends call it 'freakz') about MySQL Opensource Database and now I am one of the administrator of MySQL Indonesia User Group - the opensource community initialized by Sun Microsystems Indonesia.

My Company PT Cinox Media Insani, Bandung, Indonesia. I work here since 2008 and I take responsibility as Chief of Software Architect. My job is about planning, imaginating, fantasy-ing, concepting, and build the infrastructure of the new information systems (or app engines) which going to be implemented.

This blog This is my blog that represent my current opinion, research and experiences about anything in Software Engineering. Written since 2007 (actually) and has been vaccum for a lot of while. And now I wanna ressurrect this blog (optimistically) from the long-long-hibernation with something fresh and new ideas -- still about MySQL, software engineering, development, and may be something managerial here.

About the tagline I've learned the statement above from some paper written by Kent Beck about Extreme Programming (XP) methodology -- some sort of practical software development methods which have no boundaries. That's very inspiring me a lot. I have written some article on this blog that tell my interpretation about that statement here.

My Another Blogs I have classifying my blogs into some sort of genre. The blog that you read here right now is my primary blog that tell you (majoring) about IT stuff. But if you wanna look another side of me, you can visit here, here, here,or here. Hope it'll be interesting for some of you.

Credits I would thanks to Blogger for this great blog platform. Skinpress who designed this Wordpress template (which is bloggerized by Free Blogger Templates). My appreciate is also going to you who give your generously time for visiting my blog.

Laws of Game Programming

  1. Real game programmers aren't afraid of mathematics.
  2. Real game programmers never use bubble-sort.
  3. Real games are coded in C++ with low-level routines coded in assembly language.
  4. Real games have real music written by musicians, and real art drawn by artists.
  5. Never optimize a piece of code before its time.
  6. Profile before you optimize.
  7. If it looks right on the screen, then it is right.
  8. If it moves, blit it. If it doesn't move, skip it.
  9. Never be afraid to throw code out.
  10. Don't go home each day until your game (in whatever state it is in) compiles and runs without crashing.
  11. Make a game that even a fool can win, and only a fool will want to play it.
  12. Fools have money too.
  13. At best, graphics libraries can only please some of the people some of the time.
  14. Use programmer's art until your game is playable.
  15. Artificial Intelligence isn't.
  16. No matter what you do, your game will appear on the pirate bulletin boards.
oleh : Ian Parberry
links lengkapnya dah lupa, ketemu tu artikel dulu pas googling nyari referensi OpenGL bwt tugas besar game pake Visual C++. jadul seeh... cuman iseng aja pengen posting di sinie...


Anonim mengatakan...

Wah rupanya udah punya blogg

eRQee mengatakan...

iya nih, btw ente siapa.. makaciih udah datang ke blogs ku..

that's mean a lot. heHe..

Anonim mengatakan...

pantesan gw ga bakat jadi programmer...
matematika gw jelek :(

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